BA Part 1 English Guess paper 2021

 BA Part 1 English Guess paper 2021

B.A part 1 English guess paper for the year 2021 is now live. See the guess paper below and share it with your friends and students. For all subjects guess papers of B.A part 1 3rd year keep visiting our website. The link to all subjects guess papers 2021 for B.A is given in this post.

BA associate Degree Part 1 English Guess paper

Here are 2 guess papers for BA English. If you prepare both guess papers, you can easily get good marks in BA English. One guess paper has been given in pdf which you can download. It contains all previous exams important questions that can appear in 2021 exams.

The other guess paper has been given in text form which you can copy or take a screen shot to save the guess paper.

B.A Part 1 English Guess paper 2021

BA Part 1 3rd year English Guess paper 2021 Below is the important contents for B.A part 1 English annual exams 2020 for Punjab University Lahore.

B.A Part 1 Important Poems for Explanation

1.Women Work
3.The Huntsman
4.The Solitary Reaper
5.All the World a Stage
6.A Poison Tree
7.Lights out
8.Departure and Arrival
  • 1.What things we miss in our busy life? ( Leisure)
  • 2.Discuss Tartary as the product of pure imagination. (Tartary)
  • 3.New Year Resolution (Learn all the questions of the poem. there are 4.strong chances of a question from this poem)
  • 5.Reactions of poet on seeing the snake (Snake)
  • 6.The symbolism of after picking apple (After Picking the Apple)
  • 7.Discus the Poem the Huntsman as ironic poem. (Huntsman)
  • 8.What are the fears of Keats? (I have fears)
  • 9.The Poem 'Patriot into Traitor' is the most important for the 2020 10.exams. Learn all the questions of this poem.
  • B.A English Important Short Stories Questions

    1.The Killers, elements of horror, the situation of American society
    2.Breakfast is the most important for the 2020 exams. learn all the questions.
    3.Discuss Araby as a fantasy story
    4.The Tell-Tale Heart
    5.Rappachini's Daughter, The theme of love, the lesson of the story, 6.Role of Rappccini as father
    7.The Duchess and the Jeweler (complete story)
    8.Little willow the story of silent love.
    9.The character of Ustad Mangu

    Important Plays for Questions and explanation

    1.The Bear
    2.The boy comes home

    Important Dialogues for BA part 1

    1.between two friends about terrorism
    2.between two friends about corruption
    3.between two friends about national unity
    4.between traffic warden and a student about traffic rules
    5.between two friends about rising prices (inflation)
    6.between two friends about democracy
    7.between father and son about fashions
  • Important comprehension paragraphs for BA English

    A comprehension paragraph will come unseen. But you can attempt comprehension questions following the rules below:

    • Read the paragraph at least three times
    • try to understand what the author wants to say (do not consider the words, consider the intention of the author)
    • Do not try to pick the answers from the paragraph as it is. Try to modify and alter some words and sentence structure while writing your answer.
    • It is better to write your own answers rather copying from the passage
    • Just answer to the point. Be specific and give the only information in the answer as was asked in the question.
    • While writing precise, just summaries the paragraph in your own words. Just pick the idea what the author wants to say, and write it in a more apt and comprehensive way.
    • The title idea for the paragraph lies in either at the start or at the end of the paragraph. Try to read the 1st and last sentence again and again to pick a suitable title.
    Best of Luck ...... :)