
B.A English Important Short Stories Questions


  B.A English Important Short Stories Questions

1.The killers elements of horror , the situation of American society.

2.Breakfast is the most important for the 2021 exams. learn all text questions.

3.Discuss Araby as a fantasy

4.The Tell-Tale Heart

5.(Rappachinis Daughter), The theme of love , the lesson of the story, Role of  Rappachini as father

6.The Duchess and the Jeweler  complete story

7.Little Willow the story of slient love

8.The character of ustad Mangu

(The killers Questions Answers)

 Question no#1  Describe the scence in Henry;s Lunchroom on the arrival of    the killers.
 Question no#2  What does the story  tell  us about American society.  
 Question no#  3what is the theme of story The killers by Hemingway.
 Question no#4  Describe the reaction of ole Anderson when He here about the killers  chasing Him.

 (Breakfast Questions )

 Question no#1 what does the story teach us?

 Question no#2 The story give us a glimpse  of the free  happy and peacefull life of  cotton pakers  .Do you agree?

 (Araby Questions )
Question no#1  what exactly is the epiphany in Araby?

  Question no#2   Interpert the closing passage in Araby?

 Question no#3   In Araby what does the ARaby bazaar symbolize    or  represent to the narrator?

(The Tell-Tale Heart Questions)

Question no#1 what does the story,s title mean?

Question no#2  what does the narrator do with the dead mans.s body?

 Question no#3  why does in this story  the narrator  want to kill the old man?

Rappachinis Daughter,  Questions)

 Question no#1  what is a fantasy ? Discuss the story as a fantasy?

 Question no#2  what was their chief treasure ?

 Question no#3  professor Baglioni said to giovanni that he had fallen into fearful hands. what did it mean?

(The Duchess and the Jeweler  Questions)

Question no#1 what is the relation between in this story  jeweller and the Duchess?

Question no#2 why does the Duchess invite oliver to her estate?

Question no#3 why is jewller dissatistisfied?

(Little Willow Questions)

Question no#1 why lisbey falls in love with simon barne

Question no#2  The  little willow  is a story of silent love ? Discuss?

Question no#3 what are the symbolic  meaings of the picture and willow tree?

( The new consititution)

Question no#1  Discribe the ustad Mango character?

Question no#2  why did the udtad Mango hate the  British?

Question no#3 what did ustad Mango ecpect on 1st April

Best of luck all students